Monday 7 September 2015

Exploring St Kilda

I’m a strong advocate for making the most of where you live. Travel excites me a cray amount, but if you can’t appreciate your landing pad you’re never going to be satisfied. I’ve lived in Melbourne for nearly eighteen months now- the longest I’ve been in one place since I was fourteen. Despite this, I’m not sure I know Melbourne as well as I should. Before moving to London (!!!) I want to make a conscious effort to explore this genuinely v rad city. And so that’s why this blog post is happening.

gonna get me a yacht one day
St Kilda is positively gorgeous. There’s something about living so close to an ocean that comforts me. I don’t visit it often, largely due to how far from my house it is, but every time I do it’s like “yeah. This is chill. I like this”. And I know that England has “beaches” but the fact that I automatically put the word “beaches” in quotation marks shows how little I think of them. Sorry guys, but some chopped up pebbles near water that you need a wetsuit to swim in isn’t a beach. I’m not a ~beach gal~ and lbr I’ve not worn a swimsuit in public since 2006 because of cripplingly low self esteem, but I STILL LIKE KNOWING THE BEACH IS THERE AND LOOKING GREAT WITH FINE SAND AND SHOULD I STOP HATING MYSELF I COULD MAYBE SWIM IN IT A LITTLE WITHOUT FREEZING TO DEATH. They may be far from where I live but at least I can presently visit beautiful beaches using a few trams instead of a plane.

St Kilda is home to penguins, which I only learned when a pal from overseas told me. In my defense I am never near St Kilda but also there are fucking penguins in Melbourne why didn’t I know this sooner. I looked up where and when the penguins would be around, messaged my friend as though I knew this information off the top of my head because I am a cool Melbournian who is In The Know about these sorts of things, and so our adventure began.

After sighting the penguins (look, I know the photos are terrible but I was too busy forming bonds with these lil waddling fluff creatures) we wandered around the jetties. Jetties are wonderful because 1. You’re just walking in the middle of the ocean and everything around you is incredibly aesthetically pleasing and 2. You get to see all the fancy yachts and dream about the day you’re hella loaded and can buy a yacht. Also, all of the nice yachts are kept on a private jetty meaning you get even more jetty to walk on. If that isn’t a good enough reason to buy a yacht, I don’t know what is.

Soundtrack: Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
That essentially concluded our lovely stroll around St Kilda. I’m aware that there are some Super Hip and Cool places to eat and drink there, but I am real poor (I don’t know if you heard, but I’m moving to London and apparently that costs money). You can’t put a price on penguins. Well, you probably can, but thankfully Abbott hasn’t fucked that one up yet. Focusing on the mass murder of asylum seekers and denying same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexual couples. So, like, that sucks. But St Kilda is pretty and Abbott can’t fuck up the ocean lol jks he actually can and is doing so. How did this turn into a political rant. St Kilda is pretty and I like it 10/10 would visit again.

there r penguinz hear but u cant see dem

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