Monday 2 May 2016

Shia LaBeouf and April

Shia Labeouf blessed April. No but seriously. My planner has different images at the start of each month. In September last year I decorated and organised my planner, and I put Shia LaBeouf at the start of April. I couldn’t tell you why at the time; I just knew that April was going to be good and I’ll be damned if I’m not having Shia watching over me at that point in time. And he did. 

it's called positive visualisation 

I always knew that April was going to be exceptional. Did the moon tell me? Was it a sign from the universe? Or was it my own ability to predict the future? I’ll never tell. However, even someone as connected with the spirits as myself is occasionally shocked at how darn accurate her premonitions and general “idk it’ll just be good” vibes are. 

Nine years old, and too clever for ur bullshit
April 1st was April Fools’ Day and I remembered my grandma’s birthday. Massive step up from 2003 when I thought it was a prank and defiantly said “no I will not fall for this! I will not attend lunch at grandma’s because my parents are playing a prank on me and I am nine. Nine is when you are too smart for this nonsense”. I was wrong. Grandma was angry. So any time I remember her birthday and don’t avoid it under the impression her birthday date is joke is great. 

The second of April I made a new friend. I do this regularly, because I’m super popular and likeable, but meeting someone you hella connect with instantly is a high-key lovely feeling. I don't normally comment on things like that, but there were definitive "Start of Something New" vibes during that first Skype call. That sounds way romantic. It's not. I just mean the banter was rad and I currently have the HSM soundtrack in my head. 

Justin and Yasmin visited me in the middle of April which was brilliant bc a) I love anybody visiting me ever and b) finally the queers outnumbered the seeshay* persons at Casa di Faddi. We ate a lot of food, visited Oxford, and ate more food. Honestly, I gained around five kilos from that weekend alone. 
*seeshay meaning cishet. Maddi gets sad that cishet doesn’t sound cool. We pander to it because it keeps my six year old son happy.


I haven’t been to Oxford in years, and while we didn’t get to see a proper castle (why is there a mall in Oxford castle it makes me very uncomfortable) we did get to see hella museums and eat vegan cupcakes. Another highlight of Oxford was SHRUNKEN HEADS. THEY HAVE. ACTUAL. REAL. SHRUNKEN HEADS??? IN OXFORD??? OKAY. Fun fact: shrunken heads were made by men to assert their masculinity. Dudes gotta chill. 

Shia blessed me with many new friendships in April. He also gave me the strength to end toxic ones, and the time (/energy) to strengthen old ones. Shia also gave us snow. SNOW. AT THE END OF APRIL. How else can you explain that? That’s right. Shia gave us the late-April snow, and you can’t even try to convince me otherwise. There are many other small things that made April incredible, but shockingly I do have a tiny ~private life~. Just know there is even more evidence that Shia LaBeouf truly and thoroughly blessed April for me.

Shia is the reason that April was top notch smashing it. May is the time to take things into my own hands. It’s going to be a crazy busy month. I have a marketing career to start (!!!), countries to visit, university classes to finish, and most importantly I really need to figure out what I’m doing for Eurovision. I’m sorry for the lack of videos in April, but university and life took priority. Mid-May things are going to kick off, I promise. I’ve got big things planned for May, and I promise you’ll play witness to at least a few of them. 

Cheers for April, Shia. I’ll be sure to thank you in person ASAP. Jk I’m not mentally or emotionally prepared to ever meet you but I hope you’re well and just generally always feeling safe and cared for.

the tiny angel himself 

April was also the month that I got snapchat which isn’t so much a blessing to me as it is a blessing for the people. Go and follow me, my username is neonfiona as (almost) always.