Saturday 11 October 2014

Hello Friends

Well hello there, sweet and kind pals. Welcome to my blog! I've wanted to create a blog for a while but never really knew what I would post on it. I still don't know but I have a uni assignment due in a few hours and I super can't be bothered doing that so here we are. I know that it will be a good ol' smorgasbord of things.

Be certain that there will be cliche af lifestyle and food things. I'm veegz and eat like healthily (except for yesterday where I literally only consumed coffee and a stick of celery but we're ignoring that) and everything is cheap and delicious (except that stick of celery, I was having a "detox my body" moment for about ten minutes). So I'll be sharing that rad stuff.

I am super keen on doing a recommendations post once a fortnight (?) because essentially I have the greatest taste in everything and it feels simply selfish to keep that to myself. This will include videos, music, movies, books, food, humans. Maybe smoothie ingredients and places and animals of the week. Who knows what the future will hold for all of you. It's essentially a "monthly favourites" video but in blog form because lord knows I could not make a video like that and have it be even mildly entertaining; I'll be sticking strongly to sexual abuse and Christmas tags tyvm. I honestly wanted to make an app for this sort of thing except I'm not YouTube famous enough for that, so if any of you want to just give me like 2million subscribers so that I can make an app where I tell people what to listen to and watch and spend money on then that would be rad.

I will also probably do reviews of crap I buy because I tried doing a haul video once and it was super cringe but I still like showing off how much of an active participant I am in this consumerist and capitalist society that we live in. 

And ya'll can also deffo expect the occasional long-winded rants about lyf & luv & just me pretending to have loads of intelligent thoughts about humanity and emotions. It will hopefully be less cringe than that time my friend and I started a "poetry" Bebo page, but I don't want to make any promises.

Thanks for joining me on this fun and joyous ride, pals! I hope you all like what I post and if you don't pls don't send me h8 bc i'm really fragile.

xoxo YouTube Famous NeonFiona